Hello everyone,

First I want to apologize that I have not update everyone sooner. It has been a rather busy 3 weeks since my last update. The laser panels in Filter 2 have been installed and grouting will be done later this evening or tomorrow. The grout will require a 7 day curing time before filter media can be added to the filter. We were waiting on the waste gate for filter 2 to arrive and we will be receiving it sometime this week. Great West engineering, InControl, Mayor Rolandson and myself have spent quite a bit of time visiting back and forth in order to hammer out the final details for Phase 1. We have electricians, from Millenium, that will be onsite an Steve(from InControl) and myself will be working with them to be sure that we have all the conduit and wires ran for all we need done. We will also be making sure that all electrical issues that need to be addressed will be addressed during there time here. InControl will be onsite starting Sept. 25th to start revamping the SCADA. During this time Filter 2 will be turned on and ran to be sure that everything is working exactly as need be. If all goes right, Filter 2 will be on-line producing quality drinking water at the end of Sept. We are a little behind from our original forecast but we have made changes to some of the components that will benefit the running of the filter and make things much  ore efficient.