For the last month and a half the town has been receiving parts deliveries from Wes Tech. The first few deliveries contained parts that either went in towards the end of renovation or needed other parts in order to be installed. Today, July 27th, the town received packages that would allow the filter renovation to begin in earnest. With today”s parts delivery we have all but a few parts on site. The parts that we have not received can be installed at the end of renovation, so there is nothing to prevent us from beginning renovation. Renovation will be begin on on July 28th and is planned to be completed no later than the end of August. At the end of the renovation the filter will be filled and ran for at least 1 to 2 weeks in order to properly season the filter. If all goes according to schedule the newly renovated filter will be up and producing quality treated water by mid-September. I will continue to keep you updated on the renovation project every week or as time allows. Thank you everyone for your patience with this project.